Johanna Michielin

Head of Biolabs France

Johanna Michielin has more than 10 years of experience in technology transfer and ecosystem building for start-ups. She led the technology transfer office of the French National Center for Scientific Research and launched a program dedicated to researchers to foster the emergence of deeptech start-ups. She then joined Biolabs, the largest network of co-working facilities for lab-based startups, and currently home for over 400 startups. She leads the expansion of Biolabs in Europe, with three new sites opening in the coming year, two in France and one in Germany.

Watch on Demand! Biolabs European expansion

BioLabs builds innovation communities around Biotech entrepreneurs providing them with infrastructure, support, and networking to successfully succeed. Hear how BioLabs has launched 15 sites in the US, Europe and Asia with internationally known strategic partners.

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