Curious to learn more on PAT, Raman Spectroscopy, and Chemometrics?

by Carole Inglevert | September 1, 2023


Are you curious about Process Analytical Technologies (PAT), Raman spectroscopy, chemometrics and Raman applications in bioprocessing? Watch this 4 part interview series: PAT and Raman Meet the Experts Interview Series


Watch here:

Process Analytical Technology (PAT): Episode 1

Watch part 1 of this 4-part “Meet the Experts” interview series to learn about PAT in bioprocessing, the importance of implementing a PAT strategy, and more from expert Stacy Shollenberger.

Raman spectroscopy: Episode 2

Watch part 2 of this 4-part interview series to learn about Raman spectroscopy, one of the main process analytical technology (PAT) tools for monitoring bioprocess critical quality attributes (CQA) and critical process parameters (CPP), from expert Fabien Caron. Discover why and how Raman is used bioprocessing.

Chemometrics and model building: Episode 3

Are you curious about chemometrics? Watch part 3 of this 4-part “Meet the Experts” interview series to gain a better understanding of chemometrics, the multivariate data analysis methods mainly used in chemometrics in bioprocessing applications, and more from expert Johan Cailletaud.

Raman applications in bioprocessing: Episode 4

Watch the fourth and final interview of this 4-part series to learn about applications and uses of Raman in bioprocessing, the cell culture critical process parameters (CPP) and critical quality attributes (CQA) that can be monitored in line and in real time with Raman spectroscopy, and more from expert Célia Sanchez. See how Raman compares to traditional off-line sampling methods.

Carole Inglevert
Marketing Communication Manager

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