Neglected Tropical Diseases — Improving the Manufacturing Paradigm for a Novel Recombinant Protein Vaccine

by Carole Inglevert | October 16, 2023


Working in close partnership, Texas Children’s Hospital Center for Vaccine Development at Baylor College of Medicine and

have combined their bioprocess and engineering expertise to advance and optimize the manufacturing process for a promising new preventive recombinant protein-based vaccine, to end the scourge of Schistosomiasis, one of the world’s most devastating and pervasive parasitic infections and neglected tropical diseases.

As demonstrated in this white paper, the ability to use state-of-the art technology substitutions and advanced design concepts has helped the TCH-CVD team to improve clarification and volume reduction, reduce fouling in filtration and chromatography steps, reduce the volume of buffer fluids and the overall membrane required, reduce, and simplify the final system design, and improve overall antigen-recovery rates, concentration factor and purity thresholds, paving the way for a commercial scale, cGMP-compliant production paradigm for this candidate Schistosomiasis vaccine.

Read more online here!

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