On Demand Webinar – Unleashing the Power of Perfusion: Cell Line Development for Intensified Processes

by Amandine Biehler | April 25, 2024

mAb webinar

Clones that can thrive in the unique environment of intensified bioprocessing must be selected during cell line development (CLD). Desirable characteristics of these clones include their high specific productivity (qP), moderate growth rates, high volumetric titer, and yield. Therefore, a perfusion-based CLD process is necessary for this purpose as traditional fed-batch CLD may not be able to select the best possible clones for intensified processes.

This webinar describes how a perfusion-specific CLD process is used to generate more productive, stable, high-performing perfusion clones. An integrated solution consisting of the CHOZN® GS-/- cell line, best-in-class media formulations, and the Mobius® Breez Microbioreactor system is highlighted. This solution allows incorporation of perfusion scale-down models into the CLD workflow and enables final clone selection and perfusion process development in a cost-effective manner. The value of using media formulations specifically for cell line expansion and production during CLD is also discussed.

Watch the On-Demand Webinar now!

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