Watch on Demand! Advance Scientific Innovation with M Lab™ Collaboration Centers Panel Discussion


We invite you to the 4th Annual Biotech Start-up Symposium, a free, two-day event to help Biotech Start-ups navigate their path to commercialization. This Symposium features industry experts who present and discuss various aspects of emerging technologies and the latest trends in their fields.

On November 14th, Day 1, you won’t want to miss the panel discussion lead by Rebecca Dhrimaj on Advance Scientific Innovation with M Lab™ Collaboration Centers

Here is an overview of what will be discussed:

In this dynamic panel discussion, we will explore real-world examples of how startups engage with our global network of 300+ technical experts to advance their molecule to market. By attending this session you will learn how to engage with our network of 120 in-house certified trainers, in-person or virtually, to enhance your technical skill set. As part of this session, an exciting surprise will be shared with the audience.

Watch on Demand!

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