Vaccine Maker’s Toolkit: Strategies For Manufacturing And Supply Management

by Carole Inglevert | November 29, 2023


Vaccination is the most powerful and cost-effective way to protect billions of people around the world and has contributed immensely to global health. This collection of articles and insights, produced through a partnership between

Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany
and Bioprocess Online, highlights the need for ongoing investment in resilient biomanufacturing capacity and supply chains to ensure the reliable delivery of health technologies like vaccines, even during crisis conditions.

We share strategies, drawn on

Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany
‘s experience during the pandemic response, to achieve this outcome, and looking forward to how governments and the private sector can most effectively work together to deliver healthcare post-pandemic.

The strategies focus on vaccines, monoclonal antibodies, and new modalities manufactured by biotechnology companies and institutes: Strategies For Ensuring Biomanufacturing Resilience For Biologics & Vaccines.

But not only… We give guidance from other industry experts on building scalable and need-specific supply chain operations, approaches to alleviate some of the challenges associated with using custom raw materials like mRNA, the benefits and impact of innovations in vaccine purification methods caused by the introduction of novel methods, the potential of mRNA-based and viral-vector-based vaccines, and more:

  • Strategies To Protect Your Biologics Supply Chain
  • Risk Mitigation Strategies For Procuring Custom Raw Materials For mRNA Production
  • A Brief Overview Of Vaccine Purification Technologies And Analytical Tools
  • How Serum Institute Delivered A‘Breath Of Relief In 6 Months

Want to access to full content? All Insights Here.

Carole Inglevert
Marketing Communication Manager

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