Watch Now! Principles and Lessons Learned from the Benzonase® Success Story

by Amandine Biehler | April 11, 2024


The goal of business continuity management and planning is to put risk management processes and procedures in place to prevent disruptions to essential services, and if an unexpected event does occur, restore day-to-day functioning of the organization as rapidly as possible. This type of proactive, strategic planning and response is particularly critical in the biopharmaceutical industry in order to protect supply chains.

In this webinar, our experts describe the key principles of business continuity management and share best practices to ensure a robust and resilient supply chain. Application of these principles to the supply of our Benzonaze® endonuclease during the Covid-19 pandemic will be highlighted. This endonuclease is a key component for manufacturing vaccines, and was used in the production of more than 2 billion SARS-CoV-2 vaccines. Our multi-year business continuity and safety stock build-up plan was essential to maintain one of the strongest supply chains in the industry despite unprecedented demand and global supply chain stress.

Watch the On-Demand webinar now!

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