Unlock the value of a complete solution for viral vector production

by John Sotirakos | February 5, 2024

Realizing the full potential of gene therapy requires an efficient viral vector manufacturing process. This imperative is complicated by the fact that unlike traditional biologics, gene therapies do not have existing process templates to guide development. For many companies developing these next generation modalities, the required breadth of expertise, capabilities, and capacity is not available in-house to establish a robust, high yield, and scalable process. This necessitates selection of a partner with the ability to fill these gaps.

A partner that offers a fully integrated solution for viral vector production offers significant advantages compared to a patchwork of multiple suppliers, each focused on a separate unit operation:

·         An integrated solution leverages a comprehensive suite of advanced technologies and expertise to facilitate and accelerate the journey to market.

·         A partner with a holistic view can offer valuable insight into solutions and technologies that improve both upstream vector production and reduce loss of viral vectors during downstream purification.

·         A holistic approach focuses on establishing a reliable, sustainable, and cost-effective process that will keep pace with demand as it evolves over time.

·         Leveraging the experience of a knowledgeable partner can help prevent costly surprises later by more effective planning for manufacturing.

Learn more about how an integrated solutions partner for viral vector production can deliver significant advantages for your gene therapy programs.

Click here!

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